Employee well-being is significantly related to a number of important work outcomes, including job performance, employee retention, workplace accidents, sick days, absenteeism, customer engagement, quality defects, profitability, and such health outcomes as cardiovascular health, obesity, and disease burden.

source: giphy

Firstly, People are well when they subjectively believe themselves to be so. Secondly, well‐being involves how we feel, experience, and process various forms of emotion. In particular, well individuals are more prone to experience positive emotions and less prone to experience negative emotions. Thirdly, well‐being is best considered as a global judgment. This means that well‐being refers to one’s life in the aggregate, that is, considered as a whole. These are important distinctions from such other “happiness” constructs in the organizational sciences as job satisfaction.

Well-being can help prevent many work-related dysfunctional wellbeing such as depression, loss of self-esteem, hypertension, alcoholism and drug consumption.

Here are some tips to help you tap into building your well-being:

Step 1: Let the past go

Holding on to the past keeps you in place of unforgiveness, resentment, pain, longing, and regret as opposed to the opposite. It also keeps you stuck, which often creates an unfulfilling present. Start forgiving today and unravel all those years of pain. Let go of resentment and forgive those who have hurt you or who you have hurt, overcome mistakes made, and forget regrets. Allow yourself to move forward and let go at the end of each day.

Step 2: Accept yourself and others

Comparing yourself to others will keep you in a place of not being good enough or them not being good enough; either way coming to a point of “not enough.” If there is a feeling or thought of not enough, no matter what you or others accomplish and receive in life, it will not be enough. Accepting that everyone is unique and has their own life to live will make it easier to accept them and yourself.

Step 3: Connect to your source

Connecting to your source means connecting to who you are, what your beliefs are, and what spirituality means to you. It means having a clear understanding of these and matching your actions as you give yourself permission to live as who you are.

Step 4: Trust in yourself

Trusting in yourself means trusting your inner truth, even when it does not match that of others, and living and speaking it. It means being confident with choices and decisions you make and trusting the path you are on. It means trusting that you want the best for yourself and will not allow anyone or anything to hurt you. This also helps you see the best in everything and everyone, making you feel safe.

Step 5: Take responsibility

Taking responsibility is more challenging than it sounds, but understanding that everything happens for a reason and that you do have choice when something does not play out the way you thought it would will help with the process. You have a choice on how you are going to let it affect your life. Even if life brings you what you did not have in mind, embrace it. Take responsibility of yourself and choose to see the blessing in everything.

Step 6: Adapt an attitude of gratitude

Your attitude paves the way of your path, and any sort of negativity will create an ungrateful experience. Adapting an attitude of gratitude and appreciating everything, specially the small stuff, will make life more enjoyable for you. It will also help you become more optimistic and positive. Practice waking up and being grateful for simply being alive that day and see the ripple effect it creates.

Step 7: Create change

Instead of waiting for something to happen, go out and make things happen. Listen to yourself and make changes wherever you feel compelled. If you want to improve the relationship between you and your mother, then go and create the change you want to take place in your life. If you are wanting more of an emotional connection, lead the way and set the tone. Create change where you want it, and happiness will naturally seep out of you and you well-being will improve with each step you take in the direction of your goal

Research have found that well-being was significantly correlated with composite measure of performance.

As with job performance, the importance of employee well‐being in the prediction of employee retention has long been recognized in organizational research. Similar to the findings that whereas employee turnover or withdrawal can certainly be functional from the organization’s perspective, as when dissatisfied, poorly performing workers quit their job, the prevailing human resources approach is that high employee retention (or low turnover) can be viewed as an indicant of organizational health.

Strengths of character as gratitude, kindness, spirituality, zest, hope, and self‐regulation are beneficial in encouraging positive employee well‐being. Having leaders who exhibit positive well-being and such strengths of character as gratitude, honesty, courage and kindness through their actions fosters the display of these positive characteristic in their subordinates. This way, you can achieve higher success in your career.

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