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The ability to study effectively is something that is necessary especially when we are constantly learning in a fast-paced environment. You must be able to cope with and digest the vast volume of information taught.

Studying effectively depends on two factors, both the content you intend to study and how you learn. Learning styles falls into 4 groups- Visual, Aural, Read/Write, and Kinesthetic. Setting up efficient learning techniques will be beneficial to you.

Upon examination, a solid plan and revision timetable are critical to success. From the time, to the format, this must all be considered. Refer to the supplementary material offered to you and you can ask for first-hand accounts of people who have taken the examination and ask them to provide you with extra tips and information.

Dedicate specific days of the week to certain topics and others, different times in a day and this will vary from person to person. It is possibly best to implement a mixture of the 2, where there is an initial block session to establish the basics, followed by a number of consolidation periods over time to go over and reinforce your learning. For big topics, it is often easier and more time efficient to try and establish a pattern of learning that involves regular, small periods of work. Switching between topics when studying may also aid in effective learning 

Tips on studying better:


This is breaking big topics into smaller ones, which are more manageable. Chunking allows one to move between topics easily. You can consolidate them and this makes your ability to recollect information easier.

2) Carrying

You could carry notes with some static points you have to learn. This way you can consolidate your learning while commuting, or when you have idle time. Therefore you will not waste the spare time.

3) Learning techniques

  • Studying in different or new locations.

Students often have ideal location where they feel comfortable to study. Studying in different locations can aid in memory recall and learning.

  • Working in groups

Each person may learn a different topic to teach to the student group later. You can help each other and conduct consultation when there is a problem.

  • Flash cards

These are made to answer specific questions. They are easy to carry around and can be used alone or as part of a group.

  • Post-it-notes

Some key facts are written on their walls desks or places where one can view them regularly.

4) Leverage on your resources

Your learning is derived from a range of resources like past year papers. Past papers can be used when you have covered most of the required material to identify your unique areas of weakness. These materials could be easily available online as well.

5) Plan

Planning on how to approach your tests is important. You must know what you are going to be accessed on, and also be aware of what you are expected to know. The best way to pass exams is to know what they expect of you and receive feedback. Practice in advance and with difficult questions, that will better prep you for the examination so that you will be able to deal with the tedious questions

6) Look after yourself

Your examination performance is optimized by staying healthy. Many students have erratic sleep patterns, lack exercise or have poor diet which are all factors that will affect your health. Sleep is key for examination preparation as sleep deprivation will reduce the effectiveness of studying and will hinder your performance on the day. You should adopt sleep patterns, and aim for 6 hours of sleep or more daily. Exercise if you have the time as well. Exercising reduces stress, prevents burnout and delays onset of mental health conditions.

Take note of your diet. A balanced diet will maintain your immune system and stop you from acquiring an illness. You must also remain hydrated. If you are feeling stressed, you should talk to someone about it. Seek support and comfort in your peers, and there are also a wide range of services that you can find- such as counselling!

And with all the tips on how to study effectively, I hope you will be able to apply them to your life! All the best!

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I pen down my thoughts whenever I feel they are all over the place- it is a form of a cathartic release to me. Hanging out with people I love, travelling and good music makes me feel happy.