We are currently living in a global pandemic. When you are at home for a long period of time, things will start to slide into one another. With the repetitive events and routine, we eventually forget which day it is as well, as they blend into each other. It is without a doubt that our lives has all been affected. We stay at home for long periods of time, often spending an entire day at your computer, hunched over staring at the bright screen for consistent hours. Lounging in your home clothes for 7 days straight seems to be an all-time norm. Without face to face interaction with anyone but your family- it feels like we have all forgotten to interact with the outside world all together. The pandemic has indeed brought many inconveniences and damages to our lives, and here are some suggestions to better cope with it.

The economy

You read about how the economy is in a deep hole as well. The Commerce Department in US reports that retail sales fell 16.4% in April from March, far worse than the 12.3% drop economists expected to see. This coronavirus indeed affected consumer spending drastically. Coming on top of March’s 8.3% decline, April’s sales were 21% below the first-quarter monthly average. According to a recent IHS survey, economists were on average forecasting that gross domestic product would decline by an annual rate of around 30% in the second quarter. These demoralising forecasts does not cast a bright outlook on the future, yet you can’t do anything about it.

Life continues

You continue on with your life- working when you need to, but who’s going to catch you if you slack off? You sleep and eat whenever you want. You to make a schedule in order to allow life to better flow, to try to achieve productivity. However, there could possibly be feeling of anxiousness which managed to cloud your mind. That is because beyond this bubble you have shut yourself in, you start to realise that time is still hurling forward. At the same time, you start to compare what you are achieving to your friends through Instagram, as everyone posts about how productive their days are- baking, exercising, learning new courses, cooking, etc. Their level of productivity seems to always be higher than yours.

source: giphy

But who is to blame you for taking time off for yourself? You could have nested in bed the entire day, and there is no need to beat yourself up for it. With the abundance of free time, you could pick up a new skill or find meaning and purpose in the little things in life- or simply rest. There is a lot going on right now, and that it is a strange time to be alive. You are allowed to take what you need and feel whatever you feel. Take a breather to cope because when this pandemic ends, we know life will start to pick up- fast.

A new skill

There are many platforms available for you to start picking up on new skills. With the advent of technology, these online lessons allows you to gain access to ample number of content and lectures, all in just a few clicks. A good way to start would be through websites such as udemy. They have a variety of courses tailored to improve skills that are in high demand currently, such as digital marketing, python and as such. You could also receive training grants under the Skillsfuture scheme. Individuals can also tap on the new SkillsFuture Credit, which will be given to all Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above to support lifelong learning, to defray the course fees. If you are keen to know which websites can help you with improving your skills, press here!

Perhaps, you could prepare for the future by tucking yourself in the comfort of your blanket in your room. You could also lay beside your family, look at them more and cherish the family meals you have at the table presently. At the same time, try to manage your worries about the present and future all together. Give your old friend a call, and reconnect. There is still so much to be grateful for. Figure out a way to cope in this pandemic and create your own safe space. Be gentle with yourself. This is your bubble- it is strange, lonely at times, confusing and hazy all together but it is definitely safe, at least for the time being.


CNBC, 2020 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/15/us-retail-sales-april-2020.html

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I pen down my thoughts whenever I feel they are all over the place- it is a form of a cathartic release to me. Hanging out with people I love, travelling and good music makes me feel happy.