Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic, there has been a massive open online course available for a large number of participants to read the course from anywhere in the world. Individuals will have the opportunity to share and learn among peers from around the world at their own pace. The top universities are currently offering free courses for you to learn from. If you happen to be a Singaporean aged above 25, you could also take on courses that requires a cost for free as it can be claimable under the Skillsfuture scheme. For the individuals interested in gaining value whilst at home, here are some tips and platforms for you to go to which will help you on skills upgrading and training. These courses will definitely add value to your life, especially with this covid situation that is ongoing.

source: giphy


SkillsFuture is a strategic programme by the Singapore Government with objectives of supporting and encouraging lifelong learning and helping Singapore Citizens stay responsive to a changing workplace. Priority will focus on skills building that are important and key such as advanced manufacturing. Individuals can then tap on the new SkillsFuture Credit, a total of $500 in credit which will be given to all Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above to support lifelong learning to defray the course fees.

There has been an increase in the subsidy as the government recognizes that even mid-career individuals often require significant re-skilling. This additional support from the government will help to address the opportunity costs they face, encouraging them to upskill and reskill to remain competitive and resilient in the job markets.

Clueless as to how to start? Below are some platforms you could check out! Certifications come at an additional cost for some of the courses, but the course content can be assessed regardless whether you decide to pay to be certified or not!

Coursera has an affiliation with Standford University and they offer specialized courses with potent certifications. The courses span many categories, from career development, digital photography to mental health


EDX has loads of affiliation with schools like Havard University, Berkeley University of California, offering free courses and certifications alongside. They have essential business, finance and computer science courses to build the skills needed to succeed in today’s marketplace.


These courses are designed in partnership with business experts to give one professional, accredited business training. They offer free courses from universities all over the world, including languages. They are very complimentary to other self-studying you may be currently doing as well.


From digital marketing to learning how to design your own website, Udemy offers many courses for you and it depends on which you choose to specialize in. There are some courses there which is claimable using SkillsFuture as well, and this is something you certainly do not want to miss out on! You could check if the course you are doing can be claimable through here.

Studying from home is all about resisting temptation. It’s super easy to get derailed during the workday when Netflix or your couch is calling. The easiest way to avoid that is to just eliminate those temptations. Take some time this weekend to set up a distraction-free space which is conducive to working. If you don’t trust yourself to ignore notifications and the like without a teacher breathing down your neck, avail yourself of tools like Strict Workflow, and consider just leaving your phone in your bedroom while you’re working. Out of sight, out of mind.

You could add all of these new skills attained into your resume and CV, in which many will attract potential employers. The effort made on skills upgrading and training will definitely pay off! Using our site, it makes getting hired much simpler through referrals, and psst… you get to earn money as well while doing so! A win win situition.

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I pen down my thoughts whenever I feel they are all over the place- it is a form of a cathartic release to me. Hanging out with people I love, travelling and good music makes me feel happy.